
In addition to slides, you can include a few comments following each slide to remind you of what to say, or even the entire text of your presentation for your own benefit or to be distributed to others. These comments or text, referred to in this documentation as ``notes'', do not go inside any special environment. However, a slide cannot go in the middle of a paragraph of notes. To include notes this way, you have to use one of the following style options, which determine what is printed:
Øslidesonly Only the slides are printed.
Ønotes Both notes and slides are printed.
Ønotesonly Only the notes are printed.
These style options are referred to as selections in this documentation. The pages of notes following slide 5 are numbered 5.1, 5.2, etc. You can use the "portrait" option to print out your notes, even if you don't use this option when printing the slides. With the "notesonly" selection, the slides are not printed, but they are processed. This means that one can still refer in the notes to slides or to equations in slides. The fact that various spacing parameters are initialized at the beginning of each slide (see Section [*]) means that when you reset these parameters outside a slide environment, only the notes are affected. This lets you use different values for notes and slides. The command can be used for any special font commands that should apply only to slides. Also, the command is executed at the beginning of every slide, and you can use this for any other customizations you want to include. You can also use the "11pt" or "12pt" style option for your notes, without changing the size of the fonts in the slides, by using the "" command to set the font sizes for slides. For example, suppose that the "12pt" document style option is used, but the preamble contains the command
and the second slide begins with the command
Then the notes use the "12pt" font size declarations, all the slides but the second one use the "11pt" font size declarations, and the second slide uses the "9pt" font size declarations. Notes are typeset using LATEX's standard output routines, and LATEX's standard page parameters. Finally, it is even possible to use a different page style for notes and slides. The page style for notes is set by the "" and "" commands. The command
sets a different page style for the slides. If the argument is empty, then the page style for slides reverts to the one for notes.There is no "" command. With the command
the "" and "" commands apply to the notes as well.